Meet the Teacher Q & A

What is your name? Miss Moynan

What class do you teach? I teach Years 3, 4, 5 & 6  

How long have you worked at Castle Carrock? I am in my third year of teaching at Castle Carrock.

What would the children be surprised to find out about you? I love handbags, and I have a huge collection that is just getting bigger and bigger!

What makes a ‘good’ day at Castle Carrock? When children are eager to tell me a fact about something that interests them.

What is the best thing about being a teacher? Watching the children grow and develop in their learning. I love the look on their face when they look back at their work from the start of the year, and they can see how much progress they have made.

What wisdom would you pass on to the children in your class? Practise makes perfect.

Things to remember:

  • PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Named PE kits to be kept in school. Kits will be sent home for washing during school holidays.
  • Water bottles.
  • A healthy snack for break time – fruit is provided during the day.
  • Listening to your child read and helping them practice their letter sounds at home will really help them in their learning journey. A little every day goes a long way.

Useful Websites and APPS KS1:

1-minute maths | Maths App | White Rose Maths

PhonicsPlay – selection of free games covering Phonics Phases 1-5 – maths and English games and activities available

Useful websites and apps KS2:

Problem Solving Games for Key Stage 2 children ( – maths and English games and activities available.

Class Documents

The Oaks Autumn 1 Timetable