We offer an inclusive education to all children. The school has a policy of early identification of needs and prides itself on the high-quality response it provides. A variety of approaches are used to meet the needs of identified pupils and parents are involved in every stage of action. School has an experienced Co-ordinator for Special Needs who liaises with all relevant outside agencies who can advise the school on any additional support required.
SENDCO: Sarah Lee
You can contact our SENDCO via our main school office.
Mrs Sue Newstead is the Director of Learning Provision for Cumbria Education Trust
Please see our SEND Information Report and local offer for details on how we can support with SEND.
How do we identify Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)?
- The classroom teacher tracks progress.
- Concerns are initially addressed with the SENDCO, Miss Anna Carroll, in school and a meeting may be called to discuss their concerns and findings.
- Additional support or intervention may be put in place and/ or scaffolding and differentiation will be identified on teacher plans.
- If problems persist, a SEND Early Help Assessment (EHA) will be completed with parents and carers and shared with your consent. An additional ‘Academic Adventure Plan (AAP)’ will be completed with your help and learning targets will be identified and measured for success.
- The School SENDCO will monitor these additional measures alongside the school’s monitoring of progress and will refer for external support or advice as appropriate.
- We will endeavour to ensure that your views and the views of the child are captured throughout this process. Please contact the school immediately if you have any concerns with the additional measures in place.
How do we communicate with parents and carers?
There are many ways in which we collect views and monitor progress including:
- Discussions at the school gates
- Arranged progress meetings
- Parent Evenings
If you have any concerns about your child’s progress in school, please contact their class teacher in the first instance.
How do you share your concerns?
The school asks that you contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance; however, if you feel this is inappropriate or not possible, please ask the school receptionist to arrange an appointment with the SENDCO in school, Mrs Sarah Lee
The Local Offer is a directory of all of the services available within Cumbria. To access this please click here.
The website for the Cumbria SEND Improvement website is available here.